Art and culture masterpieces of island have been legendary throughout the world. In fact, a prominent leading painter Antonio Blanco was "imprisoned" by the charm of beauty. Every joint in Balinese life is a picture of timeless art and cultural beauty.
Almost in every house, you will find the uniqueness of the offering for the gods and ancestors. Hundreds of temples with the different size and beauty coloring almost every inch of the earthy nirvana.
Solid soil color mixed harmoniously with glorious golden nuance. Wrap of cloth with chessboard pattern provide the perfect accent on viscosity of indigenous culture of Bali.
Every day, you will find religious or customary ceremony that blends with daily Balinese activities. If you are lucky, you can witness the grandeur of Ngaben, the traditional ceremony for respecting for those who have passed away Different reverence you can feel in the Village Trunyan where people send off their passed relatives through a unique magical custom. Spare your time to enjoy beautiful dances in conveying their charming yet meaningful dance. You can also witness to the historical moments in construction of the largest statue of Lord Vishnu on the island of Bali.
For the art hunter, you can easily find a variety of captivating artwork along the way or at some specific locations, such as Ubud area. Here you'll find everything from antique classification, private collections, until the "low budgets". Stay in control of your shopping desires or you have to add luggage to carry all the irresistible beautiful and luxury artwork you have chosen.
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