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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Art, Culture, The People and Culinary of Nusa Tenggara

Nusa Tenggara community save tremendous power in maintaining customs and traditions. When visiting the island of Lombok, you can visit the cultural preservation of Sade and Senaru Villages. In these two villages, your eyes will be pampered by architecture that contains thousands of meaning. You can also see simple everyday life of villagers who diligently create a sheet of high artistic merit by simple tools.

Even on the island of Lembata, precisely in the village Lamalera which is only a stone's throw from Kupang (East Nusa Tenggara capital), you can watch the annual heroic whale hunt. The other heroic tale you can in the Pasola traditional battle conserved in the other corner of East Nusa Tenggara. For connoisseurs of Nusa Tenggara traditional tone, try to listen to the charming strum of Sasando strings. The playofthistraditional musical instruments made of natural materials is believed to be capable of charming anyone who listened.

Overall, daily life of Nusa Tenggara population is a real portrait of peaceful nuances of life in a diversity. Most of the population of the island of Lombok is Muslim. It is characterized by the number of mosques at various corner.

Art, Culture, The People and Culinary of Nusa Tenggara

However, this does not preclude their being together with other people of different religion. As a minority, the Hindus in Lombok island can still run with solemn worship. Even when their house of worship is located right in busy public areas passable by crowd.

The same thing was true of East Nusa Tenggara in the majority of Christian religious communities. Similarly, people Nusa Tenggara also upholds sportsmanship in preserving cultural diversity and customs that run in their daily activities. All make Nusa Tenggara as a human society is very tolerant of each other.

There are plenty of typical delicious food that you can enjoy here. Starting from a delicious Taliwang chicken, spicy Taliwang piecing kale on the island of Lombok, to horse milk and nutritious whale meat in East Nusa Tenggara. Make sure also that you bring souvenirs of delicious honey that comes from the interior of unspoiled forest.

Nusa Tenggara presenting exotic culinary diversity that you might never have enjoyed or even imagined. A spicy flavor encouraging its taster, while dishes with unique content will open a new adventure for your tongue to hold sway.

Art, Culture, The People and Culinary of Nusa Tenggara Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Subhan


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